
Meeting Minutes


Taxes and Assessment

Assessment Notices

The annual assessment notices are mailed to RM of Antelope Park property owners before May of each year. Properties that have had any changes in the previous year will receive an updated assessment notice, with the exception of re-evaluation years. In a re-evaluation year, all properties in the municipality will receive an updated assessment notice.

The assessment notice provides the assessed value of the properties as determined by the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA). SAMA makes every effort to ensure property assessments are done fairly and accurately. If you have any questions regarding your assessment, please contact the municipal office and we can help review your notice. A formal appeal process is available to property owners if they feel there has been an error.

What Can I Do If I Have Concerns About My Property Assessment?

Contact the Swift Current SAMA office at 306-778-8444 or 1-800-498-0574

What is the Appeal Process?

An appellant must complete a Notice of Appeal and submit the required $200.00 fee with the appeal. On the Notice of Appeal, specific details regarding the error are required such as:

  • Description of the valuation or classification allegedly in error
  • Specific grounds on which it is alleged that an error exists
  • Summary of the material facts supporting the appeal.

Once the Board of Revision secretary receives all of the above information on the Notice of Appeal as well as the appeal fee, the process of an appeal begins. A Board of Revision hearing is scheduled.

The Board of Revision and the Board of Revision Secretary are provided through Western Municipal Consulting Ltd. on a contract basis.
A hearing will be held unless the municipality, the assessor (SAMA), and the appellant sign an Agreement to Adjust.
Further details regarding assessment appeals and Board Of Revision hearings can be obtained by contacting the municipal office.

Property Tax Payments

The deadline for payment of taxes is December 31st of each year.


  • The following are the discounts available on the municipal taxes for the current taxation year
  • Paid by September 30th – 5%
  • Paid by October 31st – 4%
  • Paid by November 30th – 2%
  • Paid by December 31st – 0%


  • A 1% per month compound interest is added to any property taxes that remain unpaid on January 1st

Do You Qualify for Exemption of All or a Portion of the Assessment of Your Residence?

If you occupy a dwelling in the RM of Antelope Park No. 322, you may qualify for an exemption to reduce part or all of the taxable assessment of your principal dwelling. (Dwellings located within an organized hamlet are excluded).

The total assessment of any agricultural land (“N” or “A” class) you own or lease that is located in the RM of Antelope Park No. 322 or adjoining rural municipalities will be applied to reduce your residential improvement assessment. (Leased land can only be used if the registered owner does not use it as an exemption).

The municipal office has a record of the land owned in your name. You are required to advise the Municipality of any leased land and/or land owned in an adjoining rural municipality. You should also advise if land is owned in a spouse’s name, in joint ownership, or a company name.